1.5 Generation Congregation

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Brave Heart

Brave Heart

Sermon by Amy Wang

Judges 5:1-7

Sister Amy Wang shared with the 1.5 Generation Congregation at EFCI on the topic of "Brave Heart" from the book of Judges. Through the story of Deborah, Amy urges us to have a brave heart and to follow the dream that God has given us.

A Brave Heart Takes Ownership - not ignoring the needs of others

The place that Deborah lives was relatively safe, but she sees the needs of others as her own needs, the suffering as her own suffering. Most of us live a relatively comfortable life. We need to remember there are a lot of people who live in the area that does not even have food and water

A Brave Heart Refuses to Settle – Doesn’t Take comfort in the Current cCndition

The task given to Debora is very dangerous, but perfect love cast out all fear.Christian are not called to live a comfortable life, we are commanded by God to step out of our comfort zone, and to follow the calling given by God

A Brave Heart Champions Others – a Brave Heart can Encourage Others

Barak, the leader of the army of Israeli, was lacking faith and are afraid to go onto the battlefield. Debora called out the hero within him and won the battle. A Brave heart can influence the people around us.

Statement of Challenge

Some of us need to rekindle the dream that God has placed in our life, use our life to make a difference in the world.

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A Brave Heart - January 15th, 2017 - EFCI 1.5 Generation EFCI 1.5 Generation

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