



英文字禱告 P-R-A-Y 每個字母剛好提醒我們一個部分:

P = Praise: 讚美神,讚美祂的好,和感恩祂為我們所做的。
R = Repent: 為我做錯的,做認罪的禱告。
A = Ask: 祈求。為上帝國度禱告,為別人的需要代求,再為自己的需要祈求。你也可以自由地跟上帝抱怨、或告訴上帝你今天生活中的點滴,如同在跟你最好的朋友聊天似的。
Y = Yield: 聆聽/安靜,讓上帝有機會對你回應:教導你、提醒你、安慰你


God is not a God that is distant to us or high up in the heavens, He is a God who is our best friend, desiring intimate relationship with you and me.  Therefore, feel free to say anything to Him.

Usually we start by addressing whom do we pray to: “Dear Heavenly Father” or “Dear Father” or “Dear God” or even “Dear Jesus”  and end with “In Jesus Name, Amen.”   You may tell God anything in between. Jesus said we should pray to God, our heavenly Father, in Jesus name, see John Ch.13 verse 13-14, Ch.15 verse 15-16.  The word “Amen” means “it is true,” we end our prayer with Amen is saying “what I just prayed is true” or “I agree with what I just pray.”

Though there’s no rule to prayer, it is suggested that a prayer can include the follow:
P – R- A- Y
P = Praise: Praise God for who He is and Give thanks for what He has done.
R = Repent: Confess our sin.
A = Ask: pray for God’s Kingdom, intercession for others, and pray for your own requests.  You may also complain, tell God about your day, just like having a conversation with your best friend.
Y = Yield: some quiet time to give God an opportunity to speak to you, to challenge you, or to comfort you.