1.5 Generation Congregation

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Practical Faith

Practical Faith

Sermon by Kitty Yang

Joshua 3

Faith Empowers You and I to Walk in the Promise God Has Given Us.

Kitty preached to the 1.5 EFCI 1.5 Generation Congregation through the passage from Joshua chapter 3 to describe the how we can follow in God’s promise since He is the one who knows the future, not us. The ultimate challenge for us is whether we are willing to follow God or our own ways.

True Faith Comes From Genuine Obedience

God is the only one that knows the future and His promise for us. Just as the Joshua commanded the Israelites when they see the ark pass by you to move out of your position and follow it. When we see God moves, we ought to move out from our position and follow Him.

True Faith Requires Real Planning & Preparation

Joshua commanded the Israelites to consecrate themselves just as the priests followed a series of intricate procedures to cleanse themselves to see God. Therefore, we need to do all the necessary planning to get ourselves ready to follow God’s promise with faith.

True faith sees the presence of God in the midst of trouble.

God is going ahead of you into your challenge. And, He rests in that difficulty. 

Will You Practice Your Faith?

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Practical Faith - October 9th, 2016 - EFCI 1.5 Generation EFCI 1.5 Generation