Need Prayer? 需要禱告/祝福?

  • If you have any prayer request, you may write your prayer request to: (24/7)

    若您有代禱事項, 您可以email告訴代禱團隊: (24/7)

  • Welcome to join our prayer intercession during the response time (come to the right side at the front of the room).

    歡迎會後留下接受代禱和祝福(代禱團隊 會在堂會右前方等您)

Other Prayer Requests / 其他代禱事項

  • Pray for college pastor search

  • Pray for Baker Ranch church plant

Announcements / 報告事項

  1. 歡迎! Welcome to 1.5Gen! Please join our FB Group, like our FB page, and subscribe to our YouTube Channel if you have not done so!

  2. 5/1 (Wednesday) EFCI prayer 全教會禱告會meeting on Zoom. It’ll be led by our very own Elder Peter. Zoom ID: 852-9814-5012. Pw: Unity

  3. EMCI Carnival fundraise for Mexico mission center為墨西哥短宣募款園遊會5/4 9:30am-12:00pm follow by lunch @ EFCI. There’re worship 敬拜, music, games 遊戲, raffles 抽獎and fajita as lunch. Please register 請事先報名 at

  4. 5/5 Baker Ranch prayer meeting 值堂禱告會1pm @Children Chaple.

  5. 5/5 (next Sunday) elder & deacon board meeting 長執會. If you have any concerns you’d like to be brought up, please contact elder Ivy before 5/1 (Wednesday).

  6. EFCI retreat 全教會退修會(8/31-9/2) @ UCSD. Weoffer 3 tracks for the messages: Mandarin 華語by 劉富理Rev. Felix Liu; English by Dr. Richard Cook; children by Olu. For early bird 早鳥報名(5/31) $120 per person. Regular price is $140. Under age 2 is free. The price includes all the meals and lodging. Please register 請報名 at