The Most Powerful Weapon

This Sunday, Kitty shared with us on "The most powerful weapon" with passages from Ephesians 6:10-20.

The Distance between A to Y A到Y的距離

神 允許人生中的缺憾是要. 我們得享從求告到交托所帶來的祝福
God allowed the imperfection in our lives, so that when we learn to eventually give God the Sovereignty when we pray --> We receive the blessing from the above.

Be Filled with the Holy Spirit!

This past Sunday, Pastor Ben shared with us on "Be Filled with the Holy Spirit!" with the passages from Ephesians 5:18-20.

Let's work on our Marriage!

This past Sunday, Pastor Ben shared with us on "Let's work on our Marriage" with the passages from Ephesians 5:21-33

Mission Sharing Sunday

This past Mission Sharing Sunday is led by Pastor KC with the passages from Psalm 34:18

What We Say

This past Sunday, Pastor Ben shared with us on "What We Say" with the passages from Ephesians 4:25-5:5.

The Corrupted Self

On this Sunday, Pastor Ben shared with us on The Corrupted Self with the passage from Ephesians 4:17-24

Treasure in the Jar

We, as jars of clay, have this treasure inside of us. This treasure is the Glory of God. There is extraordinary power that can explode from us because of this treasure.

The Five Fold Ministry 五重职事

Many churches talk about the "five fold ministry," and people disagree on whether we still have apostles & prophets now. This sermon explains our view on the passage about five fold ministry and what does it mean for the church today.

Unity in Diversity

In a community, everyone is different. Paul in Ephesians 4:1-6, talks about how to find unity in diversity.

Walk in Love as Christ

On this Mother's Day, Pastor Hu shared with us on "Walk in Love as Christ" with passage from Ephesians 5:1-2

Indescribable God

God is the Father of all. We, as family in Christ, are called to glorify His name through showing His power, love, and fullness in our life.